"Three Heroes on Distant Shores" with english subtitles. Cartoons for family.
"Три богатыря на дальних берегах" с английскими субтитрами смотрите только на нашем канале.
Aloysha, Dobrynya and Ilya, thanks to the intrigues of the mischievous Baba Yaga, find themselves over the seven seas on an uninhabited island inhabited by indigenous people and terrible monster Gomuma. In their absence, the merchant Kolyvan decided, together with Baba Yaga, to seize the kingdom and take power from the Prince of Kiev. The horse Julius comes to help the unlucky ruler, as well as the wives of the heroes and their numerous relatives. Three Heroes embrace new adventures on stranger shores.
Синдбад. Пираты семи штормов http://bit.ly/sindbad_piraty
Снежная королева 3. Огонь и лед http://bit.ly/the_snow_queen_3
Три богатыря. Все серии http://bit.ly/tri_bogatiry_vse_serii
Иван Царевич и Серый Волк. Все серии http://bit.ly/ivan_tsarevich_vse_serii
Все мультфильмы для детей - http://bit.ly/vse_multfilmy
Любимые песенки для детей - http://bit.ly/muzpausa
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