▶︎ Watch Part 2 → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIaOCJPIKG0
Amtrak's Texas Eagle is the longest passenger train in the United States, and the second-longest in all of the Americas. I rode it as far as possible, 2,700+ miles from Chicago to Los Angeles. The trip was scheduled to take 65 hours. The experience is one of the greatest travel adventures you can have in the US – three days and nights on a train pushing through the midwest farmlands, the vast fields of Texas, and the gorgeous landscapes of the American Southwest. I had a private roomette all to myself for the trip.
Part 1 covers the first two days, from Chicago to Austin, TX. Included are stops along the way such as Springfield and St. Louis; a tour of my roomette plus bathroom and shower facilities; and a deep dive into the food options of the Flexible Dining Menu. And, best of all, views through the window to America's vast landscapes.
▶︎ BG Report → https://www.t1dwanderer.com/bg-reports/amtrak-texas-eagle-chicago-san-antonio/
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Music provided by Lynne Publishing and Singing Dog Studios / Pond5