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Thrift with Me at Salvation Army for Miniatures in One Sixth Scale for my Dioramas

GingerLola Miniatures 1,060 8 hours ago
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Thrift with Me for Miniatures in One Sixth Scale at the Salvation Army. Please subscribe to my channel click the bell for notifications and don't forget to thumbs up or down. I love reading comments and I always reply. T H I S C H A N N E L I S N O T M A D E F O R K I D S The doll in the video is an adult collector doll recommended for ages 16 and up. MORE HIGH END DUPES IN MINIATURE...CLICK HERE & WATCH B L O G PLEASE FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BLOG O U R M A D E F O R K I D S C H A N N E L Please visit our made for kids channel called Gingers Doll World. Click here and subscribe click the bell for notifications. R E A L T H R I F T Y Please visit and subscribe to my new channel called Thrifty Revamps. I'll be creating crafts for the home using dollar store items, thrift store and garage sale finds and if I'm lucky, I find some cool trash to upcycle. Please click here and click the bell for notifications. Thank you so much! M U S I C B Y Y O U T U B E & E P I D E M I C S O U N D P L E A S E C O M M E N T L I K E & S H A R E O U R V I D E O S T H A N K Y O U Thanks so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed this video. Please leave any future video ideas you would like to see in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe! D I S C L A I M E R All of the footage, photos, and designs are my own and may only be used with my permission. I am not sponsored by any of the products or tools shown in these videos unless otherwise mentioned. #dollhousemakeovers #barbiedollvideos #barbiedolls #onesixthscale #dioramas #miniatures #vintagedollhouses #howto #howtomake #cardboarddollhouses #diy #dollhousedecor #dollhouseminiatures #dollhouses #dollcrafts #crafts #barbievideos #dolls
