Throwback Year 2019
必须看这个视频直到最后。看看这个叔叔从轮椅需要4个人扶他到床上,经过梁潤江师父完成CLM 跌打后,叔叔非常高兴他的惊人成绩。
Must watch this video until the end .Look at this Uncle from wheel chair need 4 person to carry him to the bed, after the CLM Tit Tar done by Master Chris Leong ,uncle very happy for his amazing results.
(马来西亚 梁潤江跌打師傅)
Chris Leong Method Tit Tar - Malaysia
CLM Tit Tar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Damansara +6014-3333039
Mid Valley +6012-8990685
Setia Alam +6012-5733039
Sri Petaling +6012-9850685
Ampang +6012-6389727
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