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毕导THU 89,020 5 years ago
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最近我看到网上很火一个视频, 是说衣架套头上,头会不自觉就转动起来。 这么沙雕神奇的现象,我当然要研究一下! 妹想到!日本竟然真的有科研人员研究了! 中日科学友谊的桥梁就这么巧妙被搭建了起来 。。。 参考文献: 1、富士电视台,トリビアの泉 2003年第四期,ハンガーを頭にかぶると勝手に首が回る, 2、Matsue R, Sato M, Hashimoto Y, et al. “Hanger reflex”:A reflex motion of a head by temporal pressure for wearable interface[C]. society of instrument and control engineers of japan, 2008: 1463-1467. 3、Sato M, Matsue R, Hashimoto Y, et al. Development of a head rotation interface by using Hanger Reflex[C]. robot and human interactive communication, 2009: 534-538. 4、佐藤未知, 中村拓人, 梶本裕之, ハンガー反射における皮膚せん断変形による触錯覚と運動誘発[C].第 5 回テレイグジスタンス研究会, 2014. 5、佐藤未知, 松江里佳, 桥本悠希, 梶本裕之, ハンガー反射 – 頭部圧迫による頭部回旋反応の条件特定と再現 – [J]. 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 Vol.19, No.2, 2014. 6、Nakamura T, Nishimura N, Sato M, et al. Application of Hanger Reflex to wrist and waist[C]. ieee virtual reality conference, 2014: 181-182. 7、Nakamura T, Nishimura N, Sato M, et al. Development of a wrist-twisting haptic display using the hanger reflex[C]. conference on advances in computer entertainment technology, 2014. 8、Nakamura T., Nishimura N., Hachisu T., Sato M., Kajimoto H. (2015) Pressure Threshold of the Hanger Reflex at the Wrist. In: Kajimoto H., Ando H., Kyung KU. (eds) Haptic Interaction. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 277. Springer, Tokyo. 9、Asahi T, Sato M, Kajimoto H, et al. Rate of Hanger Reflex Occurrence: Unexpected Head Rotation on Fronto-temporal Head Compression[J]. Neurologia Medico-chirurgica, 2015, 55(7): 587-591. 10、Kon Y, Nakamura T, Sato M, et al. Effect of Hanger Reflex on walking[C]. ieee haptics symposium, 2016: 313-318. 11、Nakamura T, Nishimura N, Hachisu T, et al. Perceptual Force on the Wrist Under the Hanger Reflex and Vibration[C]. international conference on human haptic sensing and touch enabled computer applications, 2016: 462-471. 12、Yuki Kon, Takuto Nakamura, Michi Sato,et al. Hanger Reflex of the Head and Waist with Translational and Rotational Force Perception[J]. 2016. 13、Asahi T, Sato M, Nakamura T, et al. Pilot Study of a Device to Induce the Hanger Reflex in Patients with Cervical Dystonia[J]. Neurologia Medico-chirurgica, 2018, 58(5): 206-211. 14、Kajimoto课题组主页: 15、Kajimoto课题组油管主页: 16、衣架套头头会不自觉转动是真的吗,为什么?- 李Def的回答 - 知乎
