#منوعاتTV #دجلة #الفرات
The Tigris River is located in the western side of the continent of Asia, and its length is about 1850 km. It passes through three countries (Turkey, the source country, then Syria, and then Iraq). The Tigris River also originates from Lake Hazar located in the Taurus Mountains, south of the Anatolian plateau in Turkey. km and its width is approximately 6 km. The Tigris River heads towards the east inside the Turkish territory, penetrating the Anatolian plateau, which is an area famous for heavy rains, and thus it will travel a distance of 400 km inside Turkey. 1400 km at the village of Fashkhbour, and upon its arrival in the Iraqi city of Kut, it branches into two branches, the Al-Gharrafa River and the Dujaila River, and follows its course until it meets its brother Euphrates River in the city of Karna, a city belonging to the Basra Governorate inside Iraq, to form together the Shatt Al-Arab in the southeastern tip of Iraq, which flows In the end, in the Persian Gulf, he will pass through 9 cities inside Iraq, they are Mosul, Baiji, Tikrit, Samarra, Baghdad, Kut, Al-Madain, Al-Amarah, Al-Qurna. Sources of the Euphrates River The Euphrates River is one of the most famous rivers in the Middle East and the longest river in southwest Asia. Its length is 2940 km. The Euphrates River passes through three countries (Turkey, the source country, then Syria, then Iraq). The waters of the Euphrates River decrease during the summer and autumn. The Euphrates River stems from two sources. The first source is the Murad Su River, and its source is from a lake, and the second source is the Suu river and ball, and its source is in northeastern Anatolia. It passes inside Turkey at a length of 1176 km, and passes through four Turkish cities after the Euphrates River leaves the Turkish lands. It enters the Syrian lands at the city of Jarabulus, and in Syria it is joined by the Balikh River and the Khabour River, then it passes in the Raqqa Governorate and then heads to the Deir Ezzor Governorate, and exits from the Syrian lands. From the city of Al-Bukamal and then to Karbala, he will travel a distance of 610 km inside the Syrian lands, and he will run in his path until he reaches the Iraqi lands, and he enters at the city of Al-Qaim in the Anbar Governorate, then to Babel, then to Karbala, and he will walk in his path until he reaches Najaf, Diwaniyah, Samawah and Nasiriyah, until he meets his brother The Tigris River in the city of Qurna to form together the Shatt al-Arab, which eventually empties into the Persian Gulf. Thus, it will cut 1160 km inside Iraqi territory