How do your pronounce the name of this company?
And what is this called?
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How do we pronounce this word?
Is it... Tim Horton's? Is it Tim Horton's? Or is it... Tim Horton's.
Bonus word, what is this called?
A sleeve is what you put over your coffee cup.
The first word is Tim so the T "sss" and then the short I "ihh", not "eee" don't say "Team Horton's", it's Tim, Tim Horton's, okay?
Then we have the "hor" part, H-O-R, so "h-or", then the T-O-N-S is basically reduced to the toungles behind the teeth and it's "nnn", "nnn" and the sound comes through your nose like "button"; "Horton", okay?
And then the S, "Horton's", "HORTON'S", "nnn", "Horton's".
Tim. Horton's.
I'm going to Tim Horton's!
*Outro Music*
Video made with FL Studio ZGameEditor Visualizer plugin
Effect author credits:
ImageWall - Jph Wacheski
Audio Plane - StevenM
Bioorganic Wall - Shane (converted by Youlean & StevenM)