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This video is all about working with various time signatures (meters) in the modular environment, and programming sequencing outside the common 4\4 meter. It's simpler than you might think...
Here are the patch examples - https://patchstorage.com/meters-in-modular/
00:00 - Introduction
00:45 - Clock resolution
05:59 - Time signatures
11:43 - Patch in 5\4
15:45 - Patch in 4\4 switching to 7\8
I'm using DistroKid to distribute my music to Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, and more. By signing up through this link you will get 7% off and will support this channel - http://distrokid.com/vip/omri
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Thomann - https://bit.ly/octhomaff
Perfect Circuit - https://bit.ly/ocpcaff
Consider subscribing - https://bit.ly/2OljOPN
You can find all of my VCV Rack patches here - https://patchstorage.com/author/omri_cohen/
And all sorts of extra patches here - https://www.patreon.com/omricohen?filters[tag]=Extra%20Patches
You can get VCV Rack here - https://vcvrack.com/
You can find all of my stuff here - https://linktr.ee/omri.musicohen
Here are my computers' specs:
- Computer: Intel Core i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz, 4200 Mhz, 4 Cores,
8 Logical Processor(s), 32Gb RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
- Laptop: Intel Core i7-9700K, 8x 3.6HHz, 12MB L3 Cache, 32Gb RAM, NVIDIA RTX 2060
#vcvrack #modularsynth #eurorack #synthesis