I saw the comment "I bought Tuscan for 40,000$, I was stupid, should have bought GV70...!"
So I ended up thinking my friend who has full-optioned Tuscan Hybrid. [GOODMANTV]!!!
So I decided to compare Goodman's Tuscan Hybrid and GV70 so we call tin case. The price difference is about 8000$. In certain point of view, it might seems too much , but thinking of brands, maybe it's not too much.
#제네시스 #GV70 #투싼하이브리드
00:00 Intro
01:18 GV70 vs Tuscan exterior size comparison
05:13 Second row sheet space comparison
07:33 Tuscan Hybrid - Ahnohjun's test drive
18:55 GV70 GOODMAN TV test drive