Tingling and #Numbness_in _hands: Causes and Treatment I अगर #सुन्न होते हैं हाथ तो एसे होंगे ठीक
In this video Dr Ankit talked about #Numbness_of_Hand and its treatment watch the full video for information.
What is Numbness of Hand?
Numbness in the hands is a strange sensation, that can be a sign of many various ailments.
Causes of Numbness of Hand?
There are numerous potential causes of hand numbness, ranging from minor and transient to major medical issues. The hand's nerves being damaged or compressed is the most typical cause.
• Localized pressure
• Stress
• Systemic diseases
• Diabetes
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Cubital tunnel syndrome
• Lack of vitamin B12
• Disk problem in cervical region
• Chronic alcohol
If any of the below are present along with your symptoms, it is very essential that you get help right away:
• Pain
• Tingling
• Numbness
• Weakness
Numerous examinations to identify the cause, including:
o Nerve conduction velocity test
o Conservative trials
o Random blood sugar
o Thyroid test
o Level of vitamin B12
o CT
Your doctor will decide the most effective course of treatment for the underlying condition causing your hand numbness once the cause has been identified.
o Life style modification
o Maintenance of posture
o Precautions
o Injection around median nerve
o Avoid wrist extension and flextion movement
o Medication
o Stretching and strengthening exercise
For Complete information in Hindi please watch complete video
Dr.Ankit Bhartia is an Orthopaedic Surgeon and Specializes in Arthroscopy and Arthroplasty Knee, Hip and Shoulder. Dr. Ankit has a vast experience in treating Sports injury like Ligament tear (ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL, MPFL), Cartilage injury and Meniscus tear of knee, Rotator-cuff tear of shoulder and Bankart lesion of shoulder, Ligament tear and cartilage Injury of the ankle. Dr. Ankit also specializes in Joint replacement of knee where we do both total Knee replacement as well as partial knee replacement.Also specializes in Total Hip Replacement where in we do all variants of Hip replacement. #Dr_Ankit _Bhartia did his MBBS from J.J.M. Medical College, Davangere in 2002. He did his Masters in Orthopaedic Surgery (M. S. Orthopaedics) from V.S.S. Medical College, Burla, Sambalpur in 2009 and fellowship in Arthroscopy &Arthroplasty Shoulder &Knee from Mumbai in 2014. He is founder and director of #Sparsh_Orthopedic_&_Sports_Injury_Center
Video Title: #Tingling_and_Numbness_in _hands: Causes and Treatment I अगर #सुन्न होते हैं हाथ तो एसे होंगे ठीक
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