Meniere's disease & Tinnitus
About Dr. Ketan Shah
He is Practicing Homeopathy for 28 years in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
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Baryta Carbonica - 30 Potency- 3 pills 3 times a day
-Old Age People
Cracking sound when swallowing
-Prostate or other glands affected
-Childish Behavior, Weak Memory,
-Noises with deafness
-Words and steps re echo
-Ear wax
- Long lasting grief, Sympathetic, Warts,
Chenopodium 30 Potency 3 times a day
- Infection in ear so Effect on Bones of ear
- Deafness to human voice, extreme sensitiveness to other sounds
Chininum Sulphuricum -3x or 6x or30 Potency- 3 pills 3
times a day
-Deafness & Buzzing, esp. in left ear
-Along with Headache
Suppressed Malaria or Overuse of quinine
Kali Muriaticum.
- Infection of middle ear so defaness
-Closed Eustachian tubes
-cracking noises on blowing nose or swallowing
-whitish-grey tongue
-Biochemic Medicine so use 6x potency 3 pills 3 times a day
Natrum Salicylicum 30
- Effects on Internal ear with vertigo, Deafness, Noises in ears
-Vertigo when objects seems move to the right,
-Vertigo – Rising from lying
-Weakness after Influenza
Also good remedy for joints pain