- Easy tinnitus treatment: This video gives you a step-by-step guide on how to get rid of your tinnitus naturally and quickly.
- Pain specialist Roland Liebscher-Bracht explains what mainly triggers tinnitus. You will understand how the tension in your head and neck area can cause tinnitus symptoms.
- You will see 2 simple tinnitus exercises with tools (ball & roller). Performing them will allow you to move and dissolve the accumulated waste in the jaw and neck area. This allows for instant relief and reduction in the tinnitus noise.
- To help you stop tinnitus fast you will also learn 2 easy and effective tinnitus stretching exercises. You will be able to perform them simply by using your own hands, no tools required.
- A third tinnitus stretching exercise shows you how to stretch your neck and back for instant tinnitus relief. This exercise is also very effective in treating various types of headaches as well as preventing these headaches.
- Keep practicing these easy exercises and you will be able to manage your tinnitus, reduce tinnitus or even get rid of your tinnitus.
If this video helped you, we would be very happy if you subscribe to our channel so that you will receive even more videos showing you how to get rid of your pain!
✅ Foam Roller Set ► https://lie-br.com/shop-foamrollerset
✅ Osteopressure Tool ► https://lie-br.com/shop-osteopressuretool
✅ Jaw Hero ► https://lie-br.com/shop-jawhero
✅ Stretching Strap ► https://lie-br.com/shop-stretchingstrap
✅ Back Hero ► https://lie-br.com/shop-backhero
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🧑🤝🧑 We are Liebscher & Bracht – an alternative healthcare company focusing on the best and sustainable way to ease the pain and suffering of the body. Our vision is to enable a pain-free and healthy life for everyone, despite any condition or age. Overall health can be possible – by knowing how to activate the self-healing powers. Let us help you on your way to healing – by easing your suffering and enhancing your quality of life.
🧑🤝🧑 Our YouTube-channel is free of charge and the biggest and most successful online platform for pain prevention and physical exercises in Germany. By retraining more than 8000 doctors, physiotherapists and non-medical practitioners in our therapy, this most effective pain treatment has proven its positive efficiency on “incurable” and anguished patients throughout the world/Europe.
🧑🤝🧑 We are fortunate enough to help millions of chronic pain sufferers to ease their pain by providing online content on YouTube. If you suffer from chronic or severe physical pain, please perform the exercises as described in the videos to ease your suffering.
❇️ You can get all information about Liebscher & Bracht pain therapy here:
► https://lie-br.com/about-therapy/
• 0:00 Introduction How to get rid of tinnitus
• 0:23 What triggers the tinnitus
• 0:52 Exercise: Use a ball to relief tinnitus sound
• 2:00 Exercise: How a roller can help against tinnitus
• 3:20 Exercise: Stretching the jaw is also an effective tinnitus tip
• 4:42 Exercise: Stretching your neck and back (also helpful against several headaches)
• 8:41 Final summary of the exercises and required frequency of the exercises - and goodbye!