I use fabric a lot in my art. Usually with words. Sp I wanted to see if fabric printing with a gel plate was possible. It is. This is an experiment I did using Jacquard paper backed fabric. I chose this over buying cheap muslim because this is the fabric I frequently use in my art. And I thought because of the sturdiness of the paper it would help me control the fabric as I was laying it on the plate. I did 5 versions on both cotton and silk.
Joggles.com affiliate link, I great source for stencils, masks and stamps. https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=945896&u=3587777&m=68994&urllink=&afftrack=
[Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. This supports me so I can continue to bring you new video content! Prices are exactly the same for you if you purchase through an affiliate link or a non-affiliate link.]
❤️ Golden Artist Colors Acrylic Series Gac 900 Heat Set, gac 900 medium, 8 oz
❤️ Gel Press Gel Printing Plate 8"x10"
❤️ Speedball Deluxe Soft Rubber Brayer, 4-Inch
❤️ Jacquard Inkjet Cotton 8.5X11 30 Pack
❤️ Jacquard Inkjet Cotton 8.5X11 10 Pack
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