UPDATE: I must apologize - there is a clip missing where I pour the second half of the mold - this was an editing error. I've now made another video on two-part mold making - much greater detail. Be sure to check it out: https://youtu.be/WPZdfL83qko
I'm making some robot parts by casting pewter. The parts will eventually become part of an automaton. I've pewter casting a few times now and have gotten pretty good at making decent silicone molds. In this video I share my methods and process for mold making. I have a couple other videos on pewter casting and mold making if you'd like to check those out: https://youtu.be/KugCtkRpwVs
0:00 Intro
0:39 The mold box
0:57 Preparing the first half
1:49 Pouring the first half
4:13 About sprues and vents
5:16 Cutting the sprues and vents
7:16 Powdering the molds
8:05 First test pour
8:51 Troubleshooting pour issues
10:05 Second test pour
11:45 Cleaning up the cast parts
12:15 Finished robot parts
13:14 Bonus content!