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In this video, I will show you several options for a wet palette that you can make with your own hands (DIY). As well as the option of a ready-made wet palette, which you can buy here:
Donationalerts: http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/scalejournal
Cheap and useful goods for modeling from China: http://scalejournal.ru/obzory/instrumenty-i-prochee/poleznye-tovary-dlya-modelizma-iz-kitaya/
My blog: http://scalejournal.ru
My VK page: https://vk.com/scalejournal
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How to paint face: https://youtu.be/JjJrUwmGGRI
How to paint eyes, stubble: https://youtu.be/jvsm9QUdreA
Painting US Airborne troopers: https://youtu.be/LtiqopNmBIk
Painting Lara Croft: https://youtu.be/TOAnieQkpck
Painting Indiana Jones: https://youtu.be/VkoL3-MAkiQ
Painting driver: https://youtu.be/-qjq_3VB6aw
Business offers, advertising, cooperation: admin@scalejournal.ru