TITANIC: The untold story || Mystery of THE TITANIC || How the Titanic sink ?
On 14th April,1912 at 11:40 PM: The Titanic strikes an iceberg on its starboard side.
- 11:50 PM: The ship's lookouts sound the alarm and notify the bridge crew.
- 12:00 AM: The crew inspects the damage and finds that the ship is taking on water.
On 15th April,1912 at12:15 AM: The crew sends out distress signals, including the famous "CQD" and "SOS" messages.
- 12:20 AM: The crew begins loading lifeboats, but many are not filled to capacity.
- 1:00 AM: The ship's stern begins to rise into the air as the vessel starts to sink.
- 2:20 AM: The Titanic slips beneath the surface, taking over 1,500 people with it.
#the unsinkable ship
#titanic mystery