Not my edits, these amazing accounts (on instagram) created these great edits
[cxplqnce] Donna - 00:00
[dianasforce] Jason - 00:17
[svlaogan] Rachel and Gar - 00:30
[dktsbyrne] Barbara - 00:54
[raddests.edits] Jason - 01:07
[nightwing.aep] Barbara - 01:30
[arixsfilms] Dick and Kory - 01:44
[elizabethswannpotx] Rose - 02:27
[elsewcrld] Barbara - 02:43
[sailorsmadison] Rose - 03:02
[hedasvillain] Dick and Rachel - 03:10
[sailorsmadison] Rose - 03:44
[s.paceface] All of them - 04:11
[satuvrnaep] Dick - 04:41
[cxplqnce] Kory - 05:02
[j.aysvfx] Jason - 05:41
[olicitysae] Donna - 05:56
[lysxtro] Dawn - 06:17
[giob9] Dick and Donna - 06:53
[jxrdansedits] Rachel - 07:15
[teamstargirl] Dawn and Donna - 07:53
[fairyyfx] Rachel, Gar, Dawn and Rachel - 08:10
[cxplqnce] Dawn - 08:22
[dianasforce] Donna and Rachel - 08:46
[prettyp0wer] Dawn - 08:55
[visualries] Donna - 09:13
[dimitrcsxu] Original Titans - 09:35
[strxnger.joanne] Donna - 10:07
[peterstterkim] Gar - 10:22
[dianasforce] Rachel - 10:32
[moorzyedits] Dick - 10:52
[ppetrichrs] Hank and Jason - 11:06
[gwenszfilm] Tim - 11:47
[cinemaadore] Dick - 11:53
[vixenwave] Jason - 12:02
[beacxnwxlves] Dick and Kory - 12:31
[ddrcven] Rachel and Kory - 12:42
[s.thkate] Rachel - 13:08
[arixsfilms] Jason to Dick - 13:41
[visualries] Kory - 13:52
[s4pphicadora] Rachel - 14:10
[voidvxleska] Jason - 14:20
[dianasforce] Dick and Barbara - 14:40
[cams.simp] Bruce - 14:59
[visionaxry] Kory, Dick, Gar and Jason - 15:06
[_scarlet.quinn_] Dick and Barbara - 15:27
[garswife] Gar - 16:07
[kuramasic] Rose - 16:46
[beacxnwxlves] Dick and Gar - 17:09
[dianasforce] Jason - 17:22
[vehxmently] Kory - 17:58
[visualries] All of them - 18:17
[wnderdove] Dawn and Donna - 18:42
[elsewcrld] All of them - 19:05
[strxnger.joanne] Donna - 19:49
[unfoundedfilms] All of them - 20:04
[vampire.blood__] Gar and Jason - 20:30
[ppetrichrs] Gar, Rachel and Jason - 21:11
[vampire.blood__] Rachel - 21:51
[dianasforce] Dick - 22:05
[vsp.kurta] Jason - 22:14
[gwenszfilm] Jason - 22:56
[neephyy] Donna - 23:05