Face the issue of saving. 5 habits to avoid spending money
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I've been talking about household finances every day, but I'm trying to seriously manage my household finances and learning and working every day to save money.
I believe it's not too late.
For the future of our family.
We need to work hard now.
Prices continue to rise, and without ingenuity, it will put a strain on our household finances.
Unreasonable efforts will hurt me and I may end up giving up, so from now on I want to save money in a way that is not too difficult, has fun, and makes me feel positive.
Not spending money is the fastest way to save money, but I think that living a frugal life to the point of losing your daily life and spiritual richness is a little different.
Money to spend happily as a family and money to spend on ourselves and our children.
I am thorough in not wasting money and want to spend only on what is necessary.
By getting into the habit of not spending money, I would like to face my household finances every day,
and work hard while having fun.
The comments you all give me are the best encouragement and a source of motivation for me to keep working hard.
Let's do our best together ^^ *
Feel free to comment ♪
00:00 OP
00:53 My life of saving money so far
01:56 Habits of not spending money: Household ledger
04:36 Habits of not spending money: Don't buy, make
07:55 Habits of not spending money: Throwing things away
09:32 Habits of not spending money: Substitution and reuse
11:00 Habits of not spending money: Hobbies that don't cost money
14:11 Movies with my kids. My thoughts on frugal living
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*Rakuten Room*
#Lifestyle vlog
#Simple life
#Minimalist life
#Organizing your finances
#Throwing things away
#Habits of not spending money