Ha ka jingim u briew ngim lah ban lait na ki jingeh, lehse ka dei ka bynta ka ba ngim lah ban kiar bad ngi iohmad ia ki jingpang jingshitom ha ka met, ka jingmut jingpyrkhat, ha ka jingsngew ka jong ngi bad khamtam ha ka mynsiem.Ki jingjynjar, ki jingsngewsih bad ka jingpait dohnud. Ha kum kine ki por ngi dei ban don ka jingkyrmen ba dei tang U Jisu uba lah ban pynkoit, pynkmen, pyntngen, shanbor bad aibor ia ngi.
We all have been broken. We all have been in pain. Pain is part of life, yet hope is always the reason to carry forward. The question arises from where our hope comes from. Indeed, Christ is the only who can heal our brokenness...This song gives us hope that Jesus can give us joy, comfort, love He can strengthen and empower and can give us everlasting peace.
Written and composed... Sr. Alva Kharkongor
Singer. Sr Alva Kharkongor
Music Recording. Rishan sngi Kurbah
Mixing and mastering Rishan sngi Kurbah.
Video Recording and editing. Sngithiang production
Special Thanks
Fr. Reji Rector of Umroi Retreat centre
Fr. Jude. Director of Umroi retreat centre
Fr. V.T jose Rector and Novice master of Sunny Side
Fr. Ritonbor kharkongor sdb