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Today's Signs & Symbols to watch for: Bridges, Tiger Striped Cats, Streams #tarot#zodiac

Kate's Regretless Life 1,358 4 days ago
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Love tarot story of Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Aries, Gemini, Libra, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Ophiuchus, Aries. Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow me on IG: My other channel, Tarot Dog (Regretless Life with Aries): I do NOT consent to anyone using, reproducing or copying my stories, words, image, likeness or ideas for any purpose. I am the creator of this content, it is my own original work and I am the sole owner of this material. Decks used: Lowcountry Gullah tarot by Street Priestess, Gilded Tarot &Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti, Tarot of the Golden Wheel, Chakra Wisdom Tarot by Tori Hartman and Golden tarot by Liz Dean and Celestial Tarot by K.Stevetson &B.Clark and Brotherhood of Light Egyptian Tarot by Church of light, the cosmic seed, Hera by Bastet, oppositions, mystical moments, kemetic, African Goddess Rising by Abiola Abrams,Tarot Apokalypsis by E.DUnn & K. Huggens, forhaxa, guardian of the night by MJ, Santa Muerte Tarot, elemental goddess kaira sherman, uncommon tarot, tarot of the divine by yoshi yoshitani, african american tarot by metatarot . Modern Oracle by seraphina D. Palmer, Good Tarot, Wisdom of the hidden realms, Wisdom of the Oracle, Shaman's Dream, Enchanted Map, Goddess Power and Mystic Shaman by Colette Barron-Reid.yAll thumbnail images are mine, I own copyrights, I am the photographer.Thank you for watching my artistic expressions! #capricorn #gemini #aries #taurus #virgo #pisces #scorpio #libra #leo #sagittarius #aquarius #tarot #lovetarot Disclaimer: This content is for entertainment purposes ONLY and IS NOT medical, psychiatric, legal or professional advice. This content is fictional and should not be used to make life decisons. Please seek appropriate professional guidance. I do not claim to have psychic abilities nor do I practice the psychic arts in any way. This content is tarot-inspired storytelling about fictional characters and is presented as such. Individuals are solely responsible for their own interpretations and actions. My content is not intended for children. #tarot #tarotlovereading #tarotreadingtoday
