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#한국도키멕 #솔레노이드밸브 #TOKIMEC
©Usage Policy - I want to help people of any financial situation to tell their stories on the internet, hence why I allow all my music to be free to use (no claims) in videos on Youtube & social media, under the pre-condition that I am properly credited. This applies to normal posts, boosted posts or ads.
More Information + Credit instructions for all platforms → https://iksonmusic.com/usagepolicy
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If you use this track in your Youtube video, you can copy/paste this to your description:
Track: Ikson - Port 42 [Official]
Music provided by Ikson®
Listen: https://youtu.be/nB2QataGuYc
Track: Ikson - O'hoy [Official]
Music provided by Ikson®
Listen: https://youtu.be/04K46HHhyoE
Track: Ikson - Sunny [Official]
Music provided by Ikson®
Listen: https://youtu.be/EbywYGogH6A