Tokyo Vlog | Travel with me, What I ate in Japan & Crazy Community Meet Up! | Sanne Vloet
Happy holidays to all my American followers! And most importantly: IT"S BLACK FRIDAY!!! Get 30 % off your Soul Sync Body membership NOW using code BLACKFRIDAY$ or BLACKFRIDAYEU. Join the community today and follow along on many low impact , pilates & strength workouts at !
Yesterday it was Thanksgiving here in the U.S and I spent the day together with Max and Katsu. It is something about LA when it's empty and people leave town. I kind of like it!
Anyway, the moment you have been waiting for is finally here!! The Tokyo Vlog! I have so much beautiful footage from this trip and I have been waiting to finally share it with you. This vlog is a big mix of our time in Tokyo. I still can't believe that so many of you showed up to my meet up! I am overwhelmed with the love you're showing me all the time and how sweet my followers are.
Should I do another meetup soon, if so, where do you think I should organize it?
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Twitter: @sannevloet (
Follow the link to my gear page with everything I use to create content - B&H Photo -
I used music from Epidemic Sound -
I used music from Music Bed -