From the 09/11/2022 Paid Request stream.
Thumbnails made by @eclippzlovesmusic
Feel free to comment the timestamps for these songs and we will post them in this description!
Intro ft. Youngboy 0:00
The Grudge: 6:05
Eon Blue Apocalypse: 19:08
The Patient: 20:51
Mantra: 31:07
Schism: 32:20
Parabol: 40:11
Parabola: 44:00
Ticks & Leeches: 53:36
Lateralus: 1:04:01
Disposition: 1:18:17
Reflection: 1:23:03
Triad: 1:34:53
Faaip De Oiad: 1:41:29