Step into the magical world of "Toonpur Ka Superhero." Directed by Kireet Khurana, this unique blend of live-action and animation follows the adventures of Aditya, played by Ajay Devgn, as he enters the animated realm of Toonpur to save his family from evil forces. With thrilling action sequences, hilarious moments, and heartfelt messages, "Toonpur Ka Superhero" is a delightful entertainer for the whole family, combining the best of both worlds.
Title: Toonpur Ka Superhero
Release Year: 2010
Director: Kireet Khurana
Cast: Ajay Devgn, Kajol, Sanjay Mishra, Tanuja, Mukesh Tiwari
India's Animated movie | #toonpur ka #superhero | #ajaydevgan #kajol