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Top 10 amazing Taiwanese food videos collection of the year 2021.
2 hours amazing and satisfying time.
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00:00:00 Traditional taro pastry making / 紫芋酥(芋頭酥)
👉統帥芋冰城 https://goo.gl/maps/3gYi4j7WE7Xpd8kL8
00:13:27 Soft peanut maltose candy / 古早味花生麥芽糖
👉老爺古味創新館 https://goo.gl/maps/t9QdARECrvV4abYY6
00:20:40 Traditional rice noodles / 新竹米粉
👉東德成米粉廠 https://goo.gl/maps/Y2XyKe1TFLqqQUGK8
00:33:50 Homemade winter melon drink / 手工冬瓜茶
👉合泰行-冬瓜茶專賣店 https://goo.gl/maps/fG9E4fpTNrpMrkAfA
00:50:27 Ox-tongue shaped pastry / 牛舌餅
👉五塊厝素食牛舌餅 https://g.page/Ox-tonguecake?share
01:00:40 Homemade maltose / 手工柴燒麥芽膏
01:11:44 Maltose peiking duck & soup / 麥芽糖櫻桃鴨三吃
👉石碇竹柏苑手工柴燒麥芽膏 (新北市石碇區潭邊里石崁35之2號)
01:20:01 Traditional Chinese wedding cake / 古早味喜餅大餅
👉年豐蛋糕店 https://goo.gl/maps/Bm7pBS9tR2sU1vkZ8
01:30:29 Egg noodles and chicken instant vermicelli / 鍋燒意麵, 雞絲麵
👉新順發製麵行 https://goo.gl/maps/kcC2rdUCkKQeKorn9
01:45:49 Mini lemon cake / 檸檬餅
👉一福堂-檸檬餅 https://goo.gl/maps/Tb9Z7VHoMVWrajuD8
01:55:14 Giant bluefin tuna cutting for luxurious sashimi / 黑鮪魚切割, 奢華生魚片
👉王匠黑鮪魚生魚片 https://goo.gl/maps/b3RKEqrsPbUsCVFz7