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Want to be a better dirt bike rider? I have ten tips for you here. Keep in mind that these are in no particular order of importance. These tips are not the only things that you need to worry about, but they will all help, that I am sure of.
1. Stand up on the pegs - be in attack position - when it’s gnarly, steep, or rocky... stand up!
2. Weigh the outside peg of a turn
3. Look ahead! Keep your eyes up!
4. Carry more momentum
5. Bike Setup - bars, controls, and sag
6. Cover the clutch and brake - only one or two fingers
7. Don’t Skid the rear wheel - and don’t always clutch when braking
8. Point toes in - and position the pegs on the balls of your feet
9. Don’t clutch when shifting
10. Sit on the tank!
Special thanks to my $10/month patrons on https://www.patreon.com/dirtbikechannel
Sean Williams, David Mariotti, Dustin Rasmussen, Ryan Woodley, Jon Colson, Flo Motorsports, Nate Winget, Colin Trevor, Steven Brady, Cody Hopkins, Travis Winston, Steve Yurko, Keith Snow, Chad Cooper, Jim Bass, Nathan Weber, Mitchell Forrest, Sean Massier, Bill Bitts, Mark Fleischman, Brian Anderson, Dion Jaramillo, Ken Paulino, James Knifong, Paul Warner