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So in this Nuke's Top 5, well it's actually a top 10 , but you get it. The point is- it's a top 10 ghosts instead of 5. We'll cover ALL sorts of paranormal activity. You'll see apparitions, weird EVPS, ghost hunters, scary tiktok ghosts, and everything else within the creepy, spooky realm of the supernatural. And some weird stuff from sleep paralysis.
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Let's get to it! In this week's video, a viewer spots the ghost of the hat man, usually associated with sleep paralysis. A cryptid, creature, or mud man allegedly appears in a a Spanish news report. Ghost hunters the Fourman brothers from Paranormal Nightmare Tv Series encounter a disturbing entity. A haunted doll... isn't that enough? A shadow figure stalks a woman in her haunted house. A Japanese ghost haunts a tunnel in Japan. A little ghost girl appears in a scary TikTok video. And a ghost hunter goes on an urban exploration and finds ghosts, orbs, and evp s. You want the scary? We got the scary.
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