Hello all....This video is about Hare care tips & techniques for healthy & strong hair..
skin care routine - https://youtu.be/mYhtnU1xaX0
** Self grooming tips for women / Housewives - https://youtu.be/hMDHen-0ubU
Know your body type - https://youtu.be/zxL2MIRBNlY
**** ladies only - https://youtu.be/UMt2iIBq6u0
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Hi all... Iam priya Selvakumar..... hope u r doing well....i have started this channel on April 2020..... It is a Tamil channel with English subtitles on every video , it helps for other lauguages..... this is about cooking, baking, veg & non veg recipes, sweets, snacks, collections, organisation, shopping vlogs.....
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Priya R Selvakumar..
00:00 Intro
00:31 Foods for hair growth
01:41 Hair combing
02:18 Homemade hair oil
03:16 Hair wash techniques
04:07 Hair drying hacks
04:35 Hair growth tips onion
06:14 Dandruff treatment at home
07:17 coconut milk hair mask
08:25 Hair straightening at home
10:08 Hair breakage problem solution
10:38 hair care night time
11:16 Stress free
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