In today's video, we answer the top 10 most frequently asked questions owners have about their supercharged Ford SVT Lightning and Harley Davidson F150 muscle trucks. I've seen alot of the same questions asked alot in the forums and group pages, and figured I'd make a video answering them, so owners can use them for reference / a guide, or refer a fellow owner to this video. Check out JC Customs CNC Machining for all your custom billet part needs!⚡ - Make sure you use code "DEBTLIFE" for 10% off! 🤑 Website : Instagram : Facebook : Make sure to follow our builds on ALL of the other social media too! Instagram - Facebook - ( Or search for "Debtlife.projects" ) Make sure you follow all the builds by Subscribing to the channel! Plenty of drag / street racing, race truck build stuff, budget project car vlogs, and automotive how to / channel content! #fordlightning #harleyf150 #svtlightning #muscletruck #racetruck #supercharged #boosted