TOP 10 Most Viewed Reactions to Marcelito Pomoy sings Power of Love (Celine Dion) Live on Wish 107.5
Here are the most viewed reaction videos to Marcelito Pomoy performing Power of Love version of Celine Dion. After 5 Years of being uploaded this Video Performance on the Wish 107.5 Bus became viral to Youtube Reactors World that shocked and surprised many Reactors from around the World. Who made it to the cut of our TOP 10 Most Viewed Reactions to Power of Love by Marcelito Pomoy
1. Msunnaturally
2. Bubs & Doe
3. Philip Garcia
4. Rebecca Vocal Athlete
5. riVerse Live
6. Sofie Reacts
7. Katriinka
8. MGN
9. Tara Simon Studios
10. Gitana Adele