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TOP 10 SIGNS of Peripheral Neuropathy (Bonus at End)

Advocate Wellness TX 252,462 lượt xem 2 years ago
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If you're afraid you might be suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy, this video is for you - Here are the top 10 signs I look for to determine if someone has peripheral neuropathy! (If you have more than 3, you need to get checked out! We're more than happy to work with you locally or virtually, or provide you with a referral.)

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For your convenience, here are the top 10 signs summarized:

1. Numbness (common to many different conditions).

2. Changes to other types of sensation, like pins and needles, thrumming, vibrating, burning, shocking, and always feeling cold because the nerves are dying.

3. If hands and feet (especially) hurt MORE when you're resting. This is due to a decrease in nerve flow and blood flow because the nerves operate the capillaries... dead nerves don't open capillaries, so your hands and feet don't get the blood and nutrients they need!

4. Discoloration - if your hands and feet are starting to turn colors like your lips used to when you spent too much time in the pool as a youngster then you know that they're cold (even if you can't feel it) and that they're not getting the blood they need.

5. Cramps at strange times, especially at night. This could be a side effect of some medications (like statin-class drugs), but could also be due to the confusion of the motor fibers of the nerves "firing" at weird times because they're inflamed and irritated.

Please, if you're enjoying this video and find it valuable, please share it with a family member, friend, or loved one! We are experiencing a true epidemic of chronic diseases like diabetes that leads to peripheral neuropathy and keeps people in pain and ruins lives. Connecting them to the *right* information might change their lives and give them years of quality, not just quantity. Hopefully I NEVER get to see you or your friends as a patient because the general knowledge I'm able to share here is enough to turn your health around!

6. If stepping on an object feels particularly large or particularly sharp. The two-point discrimination is a good indicator of nerve function and long-term ability to sense things like curbs, edges of steps, and other details you have to be able to sense if you're going to live a normal life and enjoy that freedom of movement.

7. Loss of balance, especially trouble staying upright while going around corners or trouble balancing if you're not closely looking where you're going! Balance is severely affected by a loss of function of the sensation and motor fibers of the nerve.

8. Decreased healing is a BIG tip-off. Paper-thin skin, blotchiness, discoloration, easy bruising, fragile capillaries, etc... It doesn't matter how nice the car is, if the regular maintenance isn't happening then you only have a few precious miles to drive before it starts breaking down faster and faster.

9. YELLOW, CRUSTY NAILS - this indicates that your immune system isn't able to fend off fungus and you're suffering from an opportunistic infection... the fungus that's growing on and in your nails (and can spread into your body) exists all around us. The reason why your toes are turning gross colors is because your susceptiblity is high, because your blood flow is low, and your blood-borne immune system can't reach.

10. OPEN SORES THAT WILL NOT CLOSE - Eddie shares his story of how he was walking no more than 150 feet before he had pain that was so bad he had to sit down (Watch his story here: After only 3 months working with us they were almost completely closed and he was able to walk almost a full mile! Open sores are the #1 risk predictor of a case going to amputation.

BONUS SECTION: My four favorite supplements to support your body's overall healing and vitality. They're cheap and easy to take, so I included the links for you!

EDIT (07.01.24): Due to feedback I got from my patients and people using this protocol I updated it and created a link to my online dispensary to where you can purchase the supplements I now find to be most important!

Our address is 5344A N Tarrant Pkwy, Keller, TX 76244. (We moved in September of 2023)

Conditions we treat:
Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain
Rib Pain
Mid Back Pain
Low Back Pain
Hip Pain
Knee Pain
Foot Pain
Shin Splints
Plantar Fasciitis
Peripheral Neuropathy
Trouble Sleeping
And more!

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