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Harmony, beauty and justice are what everyone can bring to this world. But some of us are able to change it radically and in a big way. And for this you do not need suitcases of money, special connections in the right Ministry or a large bribe to an official. Now you will see the invention, which at first glance is very simple and someone may even seem useless, but who knows, maybe in the future they will radically change our world. After all, they are already helping millions. So let's go.
Ice mortars against drought
"Towers of ice" help the people of the Himalayas to adapt to climate change. They are created by the Indian engineer Sonam Wangchuk.
He built a siphon pipeline from a mountain river to one of the villages. Escaping under pressure from the vertical pipe, like a geyser, the water freezes, forms a 20-meter ice tower, reminiscent of a Buddhist sanctuary – stupa. In the spring, such a "stupa" melts, irrigating the dry land. The system is easily scalable, and then the engineer laid pipelines for 50 more towers. Well, at the end of 2016, Sonam was invited to Switzerland to create an ice mortar. The project has been successfully implemented and today the company is engaged in the widespread construction of ice towers around the world.
Iron fish — against anemia
The Cambodian company has produced a fish capable of fighting iron deficiency, which is due to malnutrition, occurs in 3.5 billion people.
It would seem a useless invention - fish are made in Cambodia from scrap metal, which is tested for quality. When cooking, it releases iron, which then enters the body. Basically, this lack of iron is due to the meager diet, which does not include red meat and vegetables. And for Cambodia, this is especially true, because more than half of the population lives on less than $ 2 a day. Can be for inhabitants Russia, too, invent the what any fish, only not iron, and, for example, with vitamin D? After all, according to the conclusion of the Federal research center for nutrition, biotechnology and food safety, 80% of Russians identified an acute shortage of this important element.
Now let's move on to digital technology.
(Disassemble the unit) Raspberry Pi – a computer for the poor
For many poor people, the main problem when buying a computer is its relatively high price, but with the advent of this computer for the poorest - this problem ceases to be relevant.
This is the cheapest computer created by the British programmer David Braben. The device is a small fee the size of a Bank card. It is possible to connect external devices, including a network cable. Raspberry Pi has a processor with a clock frequency of 700 MHz and a permanent memory based on a flash card. The cost of such a computer is 25 and 35 us dollars, depending on the modification.
Here's another gadget:
Kilgoris Project (Kilgoris project) – e-book instead of textbooks
E-books for students from poor countries are cheaper than $ 100 tablets, and most importantly, one such e-book can store all textbooks on all subjects for all years of study. And the economy allows you to fight the chronic lack of electricity.
Now about football:
Home power plant in a soccer ball
A group of students came up with a way to generate electricity for their own needs can even children. They created a soccer ball that generates energy right during the game. An hour of playing football can provide a person with light for the evening. Moreover, with this device you can also charge mobile devices – phones, e-books, tablet computers.
Convenient Water Carrier
In rural areas, it is often necessary to walk many miles to collect water. It is tedious and takes a very long time.
The "water wheel"can solve this problem. It has a capacity of 45 liters, and pushing the wheel requires much less effort. It is also strong enough to use even on rough terrain. Due to the large volume and ease of use, it saves a lot of time and energy.
It would seem, it is so simple that there is no sense to tell about it. But how many thousands of poor people did it really make life easier?
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