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Top 20 Old-fashioned Tools for the Small Farm or Homestead - FHC Q & A

farmhandscompanion 60,060 11 months ago
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What are the most useful old-fashioned tools for the small farm or homestead? On this edition of the Farm Hand’s Companion Q and A Show, Pa Mac gives his top 20 picks. For more on old-fashioned farm tools, watch episodes of My Favorite Farm Tool with Pa Mac: If you’ve enjoyed this video or others by Pa Mac, a great way to support The Farm Hand’s Companion channel is to shop for Pa Mac’s recommended items through his Amazon storefront: Amazon Store front: (Pa Mac earns a commission for purchases made through his Amazon links.) Be sure and subscribe to the Farm Hand's Companion channel to see a variety of shows for the small farm or homestead: The Farm Hand's Companion Show, My Favorite Farm Tool, The FHC Q & A Show with Pa Mac, FHC Farm Bulletins, and FHC Extras. Also visit to find articles, posts, photographs, and encouragement for today's self-sufficient farm or homestead. (And be sure to check out the General Store for books (like Pa Mac's "Building an Old-fashioned Pole Barn") or DVD's by Pa Mac at
