This is my personal Top 50 games of all time, along with some Honorable Mentions - all in a 60 Frames Per Second, 1080p Video Format!
Some controversial decisions were made. Did your favourite game make the cut?
If you like what you see, please RATE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE!
The Top 50 starts at 00:42
Top 50 - 00:42
Top 40 - 03:53
Top 30 - 07:42
Top 20 - 12:38
Top 15 - 16:22
Top 10 - 20:38
Top 5 - 25:05
Number 2 - 28:00
Number 1 - 32:27
My selection criteria:
1. Multiple games must be on a single cartridge only
2. No Game Boy Original or Game Boy Advance Games (They have their own lists)
3. No Homebrew! Retail releases ONLY!
4. Must still be fun to play today.
This is MY personal top 50! Your results may vary - you might disagree,
and you are entitled to that opinion. If you really feel strongly about
your top game missing out on a spot, please leave a comment below and explain why you feel it deserves to be in the list!
Anyhow, enjoy!
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...And now for the Fair Use Bumpf...
All footage and gameplay was created by me purely for this video.
All content held within this video falls neatly under Fair Use terms for critique and comment upon the works held within it. The footage used of products within are in small portions that do not detrimentally affect the sales or market for the original works.
This is my review of games and not an upload of the game in it's entirety. The clips used are heavily edited and most of them narrated over the top of, showing only amounts that are necessary for me to be able to make my points about the game. My review is for pruposes of commentary and criticism and is considered Fair Use by both Youtube
and Federal Copyright Law. My usage of the clips does not legally require the copyright holder's permission and I have every legal right to upload the heavily edited content. For further proof and information on Fair Use, please refer to:
and additionally
And now, some META TAGS (YAY!) (You can stop reading now, really)
Nintendo, GB, Game Boy, Gameboy, NES, GBC, Game Boy Color, GBA, Game Boy Advance, HAL, Mario, Pokemon, Pocket Monsters, Zelda, Metroid, Link, Samus, Platform, RPG, Adventure, Platform, 8-bit, 8bit, Retro, Old, 80's, 1980's, 90's, 1990's, Shooting, Satoru Iwata, Hand Held, Handheld, Top, Top 5, Top 10, Top 20, Top 40, Top 50, Top 100, top 200, top 250, top 500, top 1000, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, SNES, Famicom, Super Famicom, Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Light, Super Game Boy, Sega, Sony, Microsoft, Monochrome, Role Playing Game, Puzzle, Shmup, Shooter, First Person Shooter, FPS, Fighting, Action, Adventure, Green Screen, Kirby, Sonic, Spectrum, ZX Spectrum, Commodore, Commodore 64, C64, Amiga, Atari ST, Famicom, FDS, Famicom Disk System, Atari Lynx, Amstrad, CPC, PCW, Intellivision, Coleco, Bandai Wonderswan, Wonderswan, Neo Geo, GCE, Tiger,, Virtual Boy, Super GrafX, Speedrun, Homebrew, Retail, Translation, Hacks, Indie, J2ME, Mobile, iOS, Android, Apple, iPhone, iPad, Tablet, Phillips, CD-i, 3DO, Final Burn, NeoRage, Snes9x, Fusion, Kega, epsxe, PCSX, PCSX2, Mupen64, Mupen64 Plus, 1964, Project 64, PJ64, SSF, Yabause, Mednafen, Retroarch, Bizhawk, WinUAE, Dragon, Amiga, CD32, CDTV, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Atari VCS, VCS, Atari 2600, 2600, 5200, 7800, Naomi,Vectrex, Game Gear, Colecovision, MAME, Model 2, CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, Atomiswave, Dreamcast, Saturn, Master System, Megadrive, Genesis, 32x, Sega CD, Mega CD, Turbografx-16, PC Engine, PC, DOS, Windows, Model 3, Supermodel, Arcade, Sinclair, Timex, MSX, Chihiro, SG-1000, Playstation Portable, Jaguar, PSP, PS TV, PS Vita, Crash Bandicoot, Wii, WiiU, Gamecube, Xbox, Playstation, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PSOne, PS1, PS2, PSTwo, PS3, PS4, Original Xbox, Nintendo DS, NDS, GBA, Game Boy Advance, Gameboy Advance, Game Boy Color, Gameboy Color, Game Boy Colour, Xbox Phat, Obscure, Rare, Sonic, Tails, Sonic The Hedgehog, Knuckles, Street Fighter, PC Genjin, PC-Engine, Turbografx-16, Neo Geo, Neo-Geo Popular, Juegos de vídeo, 电子游戏, Favourite, jeux videos, ビデオゲーム, видео игры, videohry, Best, Fighting, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Game Footage, 1080p, HD, High Definition, 720p, 240p, 480p, 480i, Capture, mejores juegos, Лучшие игры, Emulation, ретро игровой, juegos retro, retro herní, レトロゲーム, 复古游戏,Emulator, Home Brew, Hardware, Real Hardware, Game Capture, 60FPS