*Top 50 Java Interview Questions | Java Interview Questions & Answers | Java Interview Questions PDF*
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Are you preparing for a Java interview and feeling anxious? Don't worry, you're not alone! Java is a highly sought-after skill, and companies like Netflix and Amazon rely on it to power their applications. In this video, we'll cover the top Java interview questions and answers to help you feel confident and prepared. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this video is perfect for anyone looking to ace their next Java interview.
*Top 50 Java Interview Questions*
00:40 - 1. What does JVM Comprise?
02:58 - 2. What is object-oriented programming? Is Java an object-oriented language?
04:21 - 3. What do you understand about Aggregation in the context of Java?
05:26 - 4. Name the superclass in Java
06:55 - 5. Explain the difference between ‘finally’ and ‘finalize’ in Java?
08:28 - 6. What is an anonymous inner class? How is it different from an inner class?
09:25 - 7. What is a system class?
10:12 - 8. How to create a daemon thread in Java?
11:19 - 9. Does Java support global variables? Why/Why not?
12:22 - 10. How is an RMI object developed?
13:56 - 11. Explain the differences between time slicing and preemptive scheduling?
14:50 - 12. Garbage collector thread is what kind of a thread?
15:50 - 13. What is the lifecycle of a thread in Java?
16:44 - 14. State the methods used during deserialization and serialization process.
17:43 - 15. What are volatile variables and what is their purpose?
18:48 - 16. What are wrapper classes in Java?
19:44 - 17. How can we make a singleton class?
20:38 - 18. What are the important methods of Exception Class in Java?
21:45 - 19. How can we make a thread in Java?
22:52 - 20. Explain the differences between get() and load() methods.
24:21 - 21. What is the default value of the local variables?
25:22 - 22. Define the class that remains superclass for each class?
26:13 - 23. What is the static method?
27:09 - 24. What is Exception handling ?
28:45 - 25. In simple terms, how would you define Java?
29:50 - 26. What is Java String Pool?
30:41 - 27. How would you define the meaning of Collections in Java?
31:56 - 28. Explain the OOPs concepts in Java.
33:15 - 29. Explain the two different types of typecasting?
34:03 - 30. What is meant by Abstract class?
35:00 - 31. Explain the difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation in Java.
36:42 - 32. Write a Java Program to print Fibonacci Series using Recursion.
40:28 - 33. What is garbage collection in Java?
41:38 - 34. Why is Java considered platform-independent?
42:38 - 35. Write a Java program to reverse a string?
44:40 - 36. Explain the use of ‘this’ keyword in Java?
45:42 - 37. Explain the meaning of Inheritance.
46:51 - 38. Explain the meaning of the interface.
47:54 - 39. Explain the meaning of Local variable and Instance variable?
48:56 - 40. What is a servlet?
50:08 - 41. What’s the exception?
51:28 - 42. What are the differences between constructors and methods?
52:51 - 43. What are the key features of Exception Handling?
53:34 - 44. What is the main difference between the notify() and notifyAll() method in Java?
54:23 - 45. Which are the different lists available in the collection?
55:43 - 46. Explain the Priority Queue.
56:32 - 47. What is Multithreading?
57:24 - 48. Can we force Garbage Collection?
58:00 - 49. Explain the meaning of Object in Java?
58:59 - 50. Explain the importance of the finally block.
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"Get ready to ace your next Java interview! Check out our top Java interview questions and answers to help you feel confident and prepared."
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