FATHER FISH expands on the most frequently asked questions to setup and maintain a natural aquarium. Questions are in the time stamps below:
00:00 intro
00:20 questions questions
01:00 How do you set up your basic natural tank?
02:50 Should live plants be in the tank?
04:30 How many fish are good for my tank?
06:00 How much should you feed your fish?
06:30 What is a food web?
07:40 Where do I get a food web?
08:20 Why are leaves important?
09:20 What is the research project on leaves?
10:25 How do I clean my tank?
11;24 When should I change the water?
12:40 Remember! Life depends on death.
12:20 When should I clean my tank?
14:15 What kind of filter do I need?
14:53 How do I cycle my tank?
15:30 Can I have a natural aquarium?
16:40 What kind of lighting does my aquarium need?
17:00 If you have more questions comment below.
18:20 Please comment, like and subscribe.
Checkout our store! You can buy plants, soil supplement, & more: https://father-fish-aquarium.myshopify.com/
BECOME A PATREON SPONSOR TODAY and you will be supporting the FOOD WEB PROJECT at FATHER FISH SHOAL on Discord https://discord.gg/sgeQSduS
Your donation will give you access to a wealth of information as well as the opportunity to share with scientists and researchers who are working on the Food Web.
24/7 live on Discord: https://discord.gg/ZDADR5KnQu
This is a wonderful way to meet and make new fishy friends as well as get the help you need. Join us at Father Fish Server on DISCORD!
FatherFish "Keep It Dirted" T-Shirt: https://fatherfish.creator-spring.com/listing/father-fish-shoal-keep-it-dirt?product=2
FatherFish T-Shirt: https://fatherfish.creator-spring.com/listing/father-fish?product=2
FatherFish Apparel: https://fatherfish.creator-spring.com/
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