*This is my opinion on the top Junior Jazz solos of the 2015-2016 dance season (in alphabetical order)*
*I do not own clips or music*
1. Raven Alanes-Bla Bla Bla Cha Cha Cha
2. Audrey Antoyan-Cover Girl
3. Aleena Aoun-Mama Knows Best
4. Madison Beerer-Weird People
5. Bryten Belka-So Close
6. Joelle Better-Can’t Turn You Loose
7. Dyllan Blackburn-Hit the Road Jack
8. Ashley Braun-Forgive Me Love
9. Sophia Brown-Confident
10. Maesi Caes-Boy Crazy
11. Phoebe Campbell-Spell
12. Joie Cavanaugh-Rotten to the Core
13. Ally Cheung-Lady Luck
14. JT Church-Business of Love
15. Reagan Cooke-Confident
16. Brooklyn Coronado-New York
17. Emily Crawley-Big Noise
18. Sascha Darby-Dear Future Husband
19. Elli DeMarco-Little Bitty Pretty One
20. Isabella Dimopoulos-Look at Me
21. Taylor Donahue-Hit the Road Jack
22. Emma Donnelly-Le Jazz Hot
23. Aleah Doone-Black and Gold
24. Chetza Espinosa-Man’s World
25. Olivia Fincannon-Prima Donna
26. Jackson Foley-Cake by the Ocean
27. Vanessa Francis-Black Betty
28. Malia Gardner-Don’t Upset the Rhythm
29. McEwen Gore-Respect
30. Kendra Guest-Rockstar
31. Adare Haas-Trouble
32. Selena Hamilton-Hip Shakin’ Mama
33. Olivia Haschak-Spanish Rose
34. Spree Hazen-Ladies Night
35. Peyton Heitz-Summertime
36. Kambria Jensen-Grown
37. Madison Johnston-Let’s Be Bad
38. Morgan Landrigan-My Boyfriend’s Back
39. Makenzi Lauritzen-Wanna Dance