Bugging out is a last ditch option in times of need, yet a situation that one should consider. However, families all over the country are forced from their homes every day due to fires, natural disasters, evacuations and localized issues. In putting together my own experience with my Bug Out Bags over the years and seeing the kits of others, I came up with a list of 10 mistakes I see common in BOB's. Keep in mind there is no wrong BOB, any BOB is better than nothing. But avoiding these mistakes will save you money, hone your bag to a do anything be anything platform that can save your life, deliver you safely to your bug out location and serve as a basis for a larger survival system.
1) Buying the Bag First - Plan your kit then buy the bag that fits you and your kit kit best
2) Too Tactical - You goal should be to avoid conflict, pack defensively... not offensively.
3) Too Bushcraft - Don't put all your eggs in this basket... your bag should supply all your needs for 72 hours
4) No Strategy - Planning is your #1 tool, plan you Bug Out then choose your gear to get you there
5) Not In Shape - Get in shape, if you fat and out of shape then you are your great liability.
6) Lone Wolf - Don't assume you will be by yourself (especially if you have a family). Plan Accordingly
7) No Info Packet - You should have at least he contact info for all your important contacts and institutions.
8) No Money - You should have at least $400-$500 in your BOB... gold and silver is a plus... perpaid Credit Cards are a plus... Cash is important!
9) No means to repair your Bag - carry a dedicated kit to repair your bag
10) No 1st Aid for you stomach - Be prepared to deal with diarrhea, vomiting and constipation. If a Bug out or survival situation you will experience a drastic change in diet, be prepared to treat stomach issues and digestive issues.