This video is a compilation of 5 teppanyaki restaurants in Ginza. Why not visit them for a meal with your family or friends when you come to Tokyo on vacation! Please use this video as a reference for choosing a teppanyaki restaurant in Tokyo!
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0:35 SEAFOOD & STEAK YAMATO (Mikasa Kaikan) / Famous teppanyaki restaurant of Kobe beef since 1925
15:31 Saga Beef Restaurant KIRAKU / Teppanyaki, Shabu-shabu / Ginza
28:17 Tomari Yugao / Teppanyaki, Neo French cuisine / Ginza
36:53 Gomei / Teppanyaki, Akita beef / Ginza
44:25 Bifteki no Kawamura / Famous for Kobe beef teppanyaki since 1972