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Ms. Rupal Rana, hailing from Barod in Baghpat district, Uttar Pradesh, achieved a commendable Rank 26 in the civil service examination on her 4th attempt. Opting for Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) as her optional subject, she demonstrates a strong commitment to understanding global and political dynamics.
With a B.A. (Hons) in Mathematics from Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, where she excelled as a college topper, Rupal combines academic prowess with analytical skills in her civil services journey.
In this video, she provides comprehensive insights into her preparation journey for the exam and shares strategies for simplifying the process. She extensively discusses both Prelims and Mains and provided an emphasis on the resources like VisionIAS monthly magazine, PT and Mains 365. Additionally, she elaborates on her Ethics and Essay related approach and offers advice on effective answer writing techniques and interview preparation.
Note : Time stamp will be updated today.