Onarıcı Tarım nedir?
Avrupa Birliği Sivil Düşün Programı ile çekilmiş 'Toprağı İyileştirenler' belgeselinin 'Murat Akhuy' kısımlarıdır.
Ormanya Food Forest was established by a group of soil volunteers in Çanakkale, Turkey.
This documentary tells their story.
Soil health is important for several reasons. Firstly, soil is the foundation of our food system, and healthy soil is necessary to produce nutritious crops. Secondly, soil plays a crucial role in the planet's ecosystem, as it supports plant growth, maintains water quality, and regulates the Earth's climate.
Unfortunately, soil degradation has become a widespread issue due to intensive agriculture practices, overuse of pesticides and fertilizers, and climate change. Degraded soil not only harms the environment but also affects the livelihoods of millions of farmers worldwide.
As individuals, we can become volunteers and take action to improve soil health in various ways. We can educate ourselves and others on sustainable agriculture practices, support local farmers who use sustainable practices, and advocate for policies that protect soil health.
By taking these steps, we can contribute to a healthier planet, support the livelihoods of farmers, and ensure that future generations have access to nutritious food.
This documentary was filmed by Mustafa Gürbüz with the support of the European Union.