On an extremely high budget, aura stacking Gemma is an insanely strong build, able to easily dmg cap while being nigh immortal in most content.
The char has a high startup cost, but an extremely high ceiling as well, not dissimilar to aura stacking in PoE. If you have ~50-100k FE and are looking to try and kill SS21 I can highly recommend it. My char is probably 150k FE to replicate, but a lot of that is the pure T0 gear and double corroded Legendaries which are not necessary.
0:00 Deep Space Map
1:25 DPS Test
1:45 Skills/Candles
2:30 Hero Talents/Memories
2:50 Gear
3:20 Talents
3:58 Slates
4:38 Pacts
5:25 SS21