Learn about many tough and beautiful plants for your garden! Andy Brand, Director of Horticulture at the amazing Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens discusses a plethora of plants that attract pollinators and are suitable for many garden situations. Many of these are surviving drought and haven't received water in over 6 weeks! These include native shrubs and perennials for both sun and shade, native grasses, plants with berries to feed the birds, others for the edge of a pond, and even learn about paw paws! See several caterpillars and learn how human activity has impacted them. Get ideas for planting hell strips as well. Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens is a fun and beautiful place to spend the day while seeing many native plants and how they can be used in your garden to create habitat for our insects and birds. #pollinatorgarden #nativeplants #butterflygardening #nativeplants #droughtresistantplants #gardentour #gardenideas