32 Minutes of Touhou Arrangements by WAVE
Artist/Circle: Morrigan (& NOC) / WAVE
Albums: ARCHIV-EAST (C72), Symphonic Rhapsody "Peony" -交響狂詩篇 冬牡丹- (C79), Symphonic Poem "Enterprise Adonis"-夢幻交響詩 福寿草- (C78)
Time / Name of the Arrangement / [Game] - Original Track:
0:00 T,1948,12 Yama of Xanadu, / [Phantasmagoria of Flower View] - 六十年目の東方裁判 ~ Fate of Sixty Years (Touhou Judgment in the Sixtieth Year ~ Fate of Sixty Years)
4:34 亡我郷、反魂蝶、その華開花すること能わず / [Perfect Cherry Blossom] - 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life (Bloom nobly, cherry blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life)
8:21 Innocent Wind / [Phantasmagoria of Flower View] - 風神少女 (Wind God Girl)
13:14 Volcanic Flow / [Imperishable Night] - エクステンドアッシュ ~ 蓬莱人 (Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim)
17:54 the Flying Instinct / [Imperishable Night] - 永夜の報い ~ Imperishable Night (Retribution for the Eternal Night ~ Imperishable Night)
21:33 第八楽章 Cosmic Medium / [Imperishable Night] - 少女綺想曲 ~ Dream Battle (Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle)
26:04 Powered by Maxwell's Demon / [Imperishable Night] - 恋色マスタースパーク (Love-colored Master Spark)
29:36 第九楽章 Dawn of East End / [Changeability of Strange Dream] - 童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures (Kid's Festival ~ Innocent Treasures)