😈 NEXT STORY - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4qCR1644UR0Z4S8QKTe0MYZFVaNXuAUY
Am I the Genius? 🧠 - https://www.youtube.com/@amithegenius?sub_confirmation=1
0:00 My Entitled Toxic family tries to invite themselves over to my Christmas party, only to then get chewed out by everyone else there for the awful people that they are. (u/Camper-Nomad)
10:49 An Entitled Customer gets in my face and freaks out over our menu, marking this lady as the worst person I have ever had to put up with in my life. (u/ExtraAntelope1070)
15:00 My Entitled Company that I used to work for was incredibly hostile towards it employees, but it cost them in the end as they went out of business due to our malicious compliance. (u/vitus7)
🟢 Am I the Jerk PODCAST on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/0uEkxvRMpxLuuHeyPVVioF?si=e7747b597e564c11
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podcast reddit, reddit storytime reddit top posts r/confession r/entitledparents r/tifu r/prorevenge r/maliciouscompliance r/choosingbeggers r/entitledpeople r/IDOWorkHereLady r/Idontworkherelady r/personalfinance r/AmITheA**hole r/AITA
👉easymode - vibey music for chillin (Cream of the Stream) - https://open.spotify.com/artist/28q83kfqtmR1KACiGu1qqS?si=3L0DNIjOTwGEQt1uc-CDzQ&nd=1
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