Welcome to this village cooking video. In this video, we will show you all the dishes cooked in a traditional way and placed in a charming environment. Various interesting dishes with medicines collected from nature. I will show you my daily lifestyle through a heart-wrenching YouTube video. In this video, you will see different types of fruits and their different cooking methods. How jackfruit seeds are cooked with meat and eaten since ancient times. We all know that seeds are good for body and village people eat all kinds of food so they stay physically healthy and mentally. Hope you all like this video especially for those who live in city or town If you like the video for relaxation, please like comment and subscribe and play the notification so that my video will reach you first. As soon as the new video is uploaded, it will reach you. I hope this video will become very dear to you. It is very delicious to eat and I will also show you how to eat it