●恵方巻&キンパ → 黒田泰蔵 / 白磁大皿
●いわしの梅とチーズ焼き → 前田麻美 / 灰青釉輪花7寸角皿
●柚子胡椒唐揚げ → 亀田文 / 白釉7寸八角リム浅鉢
●海老の春巻き → 亀田文 / 白釉7寸花形正方皿
●こんにゃくとネギのすき焼き風 → 及川静香 / 鉄釉長皿
●茄子と干し海老の煮物 → 前田麻美 / 灰青釉輪花高台小鉢
●ごぼうとせりのおひたし → 石原祥充 / 小鉢外さび
●海老のあんかけ揚げ出し豆腐 → 柳瀬和之 / 曇天釉4.5寸ゆがみ小鉢
●福豆と五色豆 → 石原祥充 / 小鉢
●取り皿 →土井善男 / 乳白釉木瓜板皿
●日本酒 → シュピゲラウ / シャンパングラス
●ノンアルコール → ホルムガード / 足付アンティークグラス
大信州 純米大吟醸 スパークリング 生 (長野県松本 /大信州酒造株式会社 )
This year's Setsubun is February 2.
The reason for the shift in date is that the earth does not make one full revolution around the sun for exactly 365 days.
The direction for this year's ehoumaki is “west-southwest!
In addition to the ehoumaki, we prepared a total of 8 dishes using ingredients that are considered auspicious.
Since Setsubun falls on a Sunday this year, we hope you will watch this video and use it as a reference for your menu, and enjoy it with your family.
Please enjoy it with your family.
🍽Dishes and Plates of the Day
*Ehomaki & Kimbap → Taizo Kuroda / White porcelain platter
*Grilled sardines with plum paste and cheese → Asami Maeda / 7 “x7” square dish with a grayish-blue glaze
*Yuzu kosho fried chicken → Fumi Kameta / White glazed 7” octagonal rimmed shallow bowl
*Shrimp egg rolls → Fumi Kameta / White glazed 7 “flower-shaped square dish
*Sukiyaki style with konnyaku and green onion → Shizuka Oikawa / Iron glazed long dish
*Simmered eggplant and dried shrimps → Asami Maeda / small bowl with a blue ash glaze and a flower ring on a high pedestal
*Boiled burdock root and Japanese parsley → Yoshimitsu Ishihara / small bowl with a small rusty surface
*Deep-fried tofu with shrimp sauce → Kazuyuki Yanase / 4.5” warped small bowl with cloudy glaze
*Fukumame (lucky beans) and Goshikimame (five-colored beans) → SYoshimitsu Ishihara / small bowl
*Dish → Yoshio Doi / Milky white glaze on a wooden gourd plate
*Sake → Spiegelau / Champagne glass
*Non-alcoholic drink → Holmgard / Antique glass with feet
🍶Sake of the Day
Daishinshu Junmai Daiginjo Sparkling Nama (Matsumoto, Nagano / Daishinshu Sake Brewery Co.)
👜Official mail order "Living with Utsuwa" is now selling artist's vessels coordinated by Life with Utsuwa!
Some of the dishes used today are also available for sale.
We also update our news and Blog from time to time, so please visit us.
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