In this video I visited my local station which is Plymouth on the Great Western Main Line. This is the first part out of 2 parts here. Services are seen by Great Western Railway and Cross Country. Joining me here was TrainclipsHD, South West Trainspotting, Intercity 125 Christian Soan and Laira83D.
Plymouth is always a station I enjoy visiting mainly because of the frequency of the services and how well the station is layed out. I found it throughly enjoyable this time because of the company I had. Fantastic as always here.
The next video will be Part 2 from Plymouth where I film the regular weekday timetable. I look forward to sharing with you.
If you have liked what you have seen here at Plymouth then please do like and subscribe and I will get back to any comments you make as and when I can. any recommendations are welcomed so please do leave those in the comments.
Take care everyone and I will see you all soon. 😊
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