Sam MBTA Trains, is a railroad related YouTube channel with content based around MBTA, Amtrak, NS, CSX. This channel has many high quality videos of train. Sam MBTA Trains was founded July 7th 2024, ever since I have been dedicated to filming normal passenger trains freight and many rare and unique trains. Please do not use my videos, unless given permission. If one is caught using one of my videos without my consent. If caught a report will be issued and a community call out will be necessary. All rights reserved, no videos may be used without my consent. Remember to like and subscribe and remember to share Sam MBTA Trains!
On January 20th (MLK day) there was fresh snow on the ground my friend and I decided to go to cross road crossing in Haverhill MA. It was a cold but nice and sunny day There are some epic amtraks exceeding 70 miles an hour. And as for MBTA it was nice to see the good ole' GP40MCs. Overall it was a great to go there, as I've wanting to go for years. Overall here's everything I saw.
Downeasters P42DCS 86, 100
MBTA GP40MC 1126, 1123, 1127
CTC-5, 1807, 1810
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All rights reserved
No videos may be used without my consent
Cross St (Road), Haverhill, MA