All these clips were shot by myself. Some have been severly shortened for inclusion here
1 China 2009, Fuxin. SY 2-8-2 slipping to a stand with a heavy coal train on a curve and frosty rails, rescued by a second SY.
2 Eritrea 2009. Failed boiler wash-out plug on an Ansaldo Mallet causes a serious escape of steam into the loco cab.
3 Bangladesh 2013. Hitachi steam crane in action (not a staged demo).
4 Bangladesh 2013, Bishwa Ijtema Festival. Loco OK but poor visibility for driver.
5 Cuba 2002, Ecuador Mill. Over enthusiastic crew cause loco derailment.
6 Turkey 1974, Afyon-Izmir, loco in trouble. Audio recording only.
7 Ecuador 2014, Guayaquil-Quito railway. Emergency transfer of fuel.
8 Romania 2015, Viseu de Sus. Rerailing a locally made rail-bus and track repairs.
9 Romania 2015, Viseu de Sus. Slipping due to muddy track.
10 Romania 2006, Viseu de Sus. Attempts to re-rail a loaded log-train.
11 China 2007, Beicheng washery. SY in trouble in a snowstorm. The locos on Hengshan bank were not in trouble. This was the last regular working of standard gauge double headed steam and banker in the world.
12 Java 2004, Sragi Mill. Cane train derailment.
13 Myanmar 2013, Wallah Gorge spiral. Temporary repair of lost cross-head guide on a Bagnall 2-6-2. (Thanks to FarRail tours for the still photo).
14 Java 2004, Sindarglat Mill. Fire appears to threaten a Du Croo & Brauns loco.